Hearing Aid Cleaning and Maintenance

Your hearing aids are not just devices; they are gateways to the world of sound, enriching your everyday experiences. To maintain their efficacy and longevity, proper cleaning and maintenance are paramount. Whether you're facing issues like "hearing aid not working" or simply aiming to keep your device in top condition, adhering to a structured cleaning regimen is crucial.

Understanding the Importance of Cleaning Hearing Aids

Moisture, debris, earwax, and sweat are common adversaries of hearing aids, capable of impeding their functionality over time. Before using hair spray or cosmetics, it's imperative to remove your hearing aid to prevent potential damage. Even seemingly innocuous elements like spray, dust, or wood shavings can wreak havoc by obstructing the microphones, thereby inhibiting sound transmission.

Furthermore, proper storage habits significantly influence the longevity of your hearing aid. When not in use, leaving the battery door open facilitates moisture evaporation, while rechargeable devices should be stored in chargers after wiping away any sweat residues. Additionally, storing your hearing aid in a dry, clean environment is essential—avoiding places like bathrooms where moisture levels are high.

Daily Cleaning Practices

Engaging in daily cleaning rituals ensures that your hearing aid remains free from impurities. Inspect the earpiece regularly for earwax and moisture accumulation, utilizing a lint-free cloth or the small brush provided in your hearing aid case to cleanse the surfaces. It's crucial to refrain from using cleaning products like detergents or soap, as they may damage the delicate components. Avoid rinsing your hearing aid with water.

Weekly Maintenance Routine

Weekly maintenance should include a thorough cleaning of the earpiece or dome using a soft, dry cloth. This routine helps to prevent the buildup of debris and ensures optimal performance.

If you have a minute, watching a video we created on routine maintenance will help you visualize exactly what our Audiologist does.

This video shows all types of hearing aids. Scroll through until you see your hearing aids.


Monthly Maintenance Routine

One of the most common issues encountered with hearing aids is earwax accumulation, which can obstruct the speakers and lead to decreased functionality. In fact, approximately 90% of reported cases of "hearing aid not working" can be attributed to clogged filters. To mitigate this risk, it's recommended to replace the domes or filters on a monthly basis.

Your hearing aid is equipped with an earwax protection system designed to safeguard the speakers from damage. Regularly replacing the domes or filters prevents wax buildup and ensures uninterrupted performance. If you notice any signs of dirtiness or experience diminished sound quality, it's advisable to replace both components promptly.

Expert Guidance and Resources

If you require assistance with cleaning or replacing your hearing aid components, don't hesitate to consult your audiologist. They can provide valuable insights and recommend suitable products for intensive cleaning or maintenance. Additionally, many manufacturers offer online resources, including instructional videos and downloadable guides, to assist users in navigating the cleaning and maintenance process effectively.


Investing time and effort into proper cleaning and maintenance practices is essential for maximizing the lifespan and performance of your hearing aid. By incorporating daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routines into your regimen, you can prevent issues like "hearing aid not working" and ensure that your device continues to enhance your auditory experience for years to come. Remember, a little care today can go a long way in preserving the functionality of your hearing aid tomorrow.