Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the world’s most common health problems. It is also one of the most ignored problems, and this is unfortunate because hearing loss and its psychological side effects are highly treatable. 

For many people, hearing loss is a natural and gradual part of the aging process. Hearing loss can also be caused by genetic medical conditions, ear infections, illness, traumatic injury, or prolonged exposure to noise.  

Hearing Loss

Many Canadians are unaware of hearing loss.

You can find more interesting statistics around hearing loss and tinnitus from StatsCan.

Hearing loss is not like listening to sounds with the volume turned down. Instead, you may notice that certain spoken sounds – like sh, th, f – are more difficult to hear than others. That’s why people with hearing loss often say they can hear people talking but can’t understand what is being said. Often times, hearing loss is not an all or none scenario. Sometimes this can be confusing because you can hear a truck down the road but cannot hear the person sitting next to you in a noisy restaurant. This can make one feel that their hearing is fine, but in reality, they can hear some frequencies (pitch) easier than others.  

While most hearing losses do not cause physical pain, they often have social and psychological affects. These include: breakdown of communication, social isolation, employment difficulties, depression, frustration and loss of self-esteem. Untreated hearing loss in children can delay the development of speech, language and learning skills. 

If you suspect you are experiencing hearing loss, consider these questions: 

  • Do you often ask others to repeat themselves? 

  • Do you turn up the radio or TV louder than others prefer? 

  • Is it particularly difficult to understand conversation when there is background noise? 

  • Does it often seem as though others are mumbling when they speak to you? 

  • Do you have difficulty following group conversations? 

  • Do you find it difficult to identify from which direction sounds are coming? 

  • Do you have trouble hearing while others are wearing a mask? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a hearing loss. It is extremely important that you talk to an audiologist, who can help you determine the type and degree of your hearing loss and what course of action you can take. 

If you’re suffering with an untreated hearing loss, you may feel isolated and frustrated – like you’re missing out on life. Those around you may be feeling frustrated too. According to Statistics Canada, 38% of adults aged 20 to 79 have hearing loss and many are unaware. Take our online hearing screener today or contact us for a comprehensive hearing evaluation.  

Quickly and easily determine if you have hearing loss with our online hearing screener tool.