Free Trial Hearing Aids

“Will these hearing aids work for me?” 

“Will they feel comfortable?” 

“Will they be really noticeable?”  

It is normal to have lots of questions when you are looking into hearing aids. That is why we have a program that allows you to take home our hearing aids for two weeks before you commit to purchasing them. You won’t know how they will work for you unless you try. Hearing aids are not for everyone with hearing loss so we have designed this program to help you make that informed decision. 

95% of people with hearing loss can benefit from using hearing aids

Experiencing is believing 

Trial hearing aids have built-in features that give us direct insights into your listening lifestyle and your impressions of your hearing aid performance. The better we get to know you, the more personalized your hearing aids will be.  

Your trial hearing aids automatically keep track of the type of environments where you are spending time, so we can get a true sense of your unique listening lifestyle. We get a detailed picture of how often you are in noise, crowds, quiet, listening to music, or having conversations in small groups. This unique data helps us make a better, more informed, recommendation for you to meet your listening needs. After your two-week trial, we will be able to pull this data from the hearing aids for discussion. You may find that the hearing aids have improved your hearing, or you may find they need some adjusting. The purpose of the trial is to determine if they will benefit you, but they likely will not be perfect the first time. Hearing aids can be further adjusted in terms of fit or sound quality. It may take a few appointments to receive the most benefit from them and that is our goal at Atlantic Hearing Clinic.  

We want to help you get back into the conversation.

95% of people with hearing loss can benefit from using hearing aids. In fact, wearing hearing aids has shown to provide significant improvements in relationships at home and with family, as well as feelings about self, health, and overall life. Clients I’ve fit with hearing aids have often told me they feel less tired and have more energy at the end of the day. This is because their brain does not have to work as hard to strain to hear. Hearing aids enable you to sit back, relax, and listen to the conversation around you easier.  

Plus, your hearing aids will fit right in with your digital world, offering easy connections to your favorite technology and media. Most hearing aids now have Bluetooth enabled so you can pair them with your smartphone and listen to music or an audiobook while you are out for a walk. And our rechargeable options will keep you going all day long, from sun up to sundown, worry-free. 

We will work together to make sure your journey of purchasing and wearing hearing aids is empowering, easy, and flexible. There is no pressure to pursue as we are here solely to help you hear better.  
