Noise and Hearing Protection

There are sounds all around us; horns honking, radios blaring, tools buzzing. No matter where you live or work, chances are you are exposed to some degree of noise pollution, which can damage your hearing over time. Educate yourself about the risks and learn how to protect your hearing.  

Did you know there is no such thing as age-related hearing loss? One of the reasons 1 in 3 of us develop hearing loss as we age is because of the cumulative noise pollution all around us. Some of us, like those who work in industrial settings, are more susceptible than others to experience hearing loss. It is quite prevalent in our noisy city of Saint John. Constant exposure to loud noises can damage the inner hair cells in our ears, resulting in sensorineural hearing loss. Once these hair cells are damaged, they cannot be repaired. However, this is preventable. The most important step is avoiding sounds that are over 90 dB.  


Sound Levels that can cause hearing loss


The more you are around those sounds, the greater damage to your hearing. If avoidance is not possible (do to a work situation, etc), wear airtight hearing protection during exposure and take lots of breaks. The safest hearing protection to wear is custom made which is molded to your ears and fits very well. The next best step is to double up on your hearing protection, so you would insert earplugs with over-the-ear devices on top.  

Warning signs that you are being exposed, even temporarily, to excessive noise levels include: 

  • Tinnitus: ringing or buzzing in your ears 

  • Reduced hearing 

  • The need to ask others to repeat or to speak louder so that you can hear them 


Noise-induced hearing loss cannot be repaired but it can be prevented. If you are unsure if you have hearing loss, booking an appointment with an Audiologist to perform a simple hearing test is a great start. If you have already suffered hearing loss, talk to your audiologist about hearing aids. More than 90% of people with hearing loss can be helped with the use of hearing devices.  


*Unitron Canada